Friday, February 15, 2008

Live!! 竜之介バンド(ryunosuke-band)

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-30 07:19:39
User: aloe39returns



IONMAN501  2008-02-09 01:56:24

i wish i had a drummer this good in my band
MayReanna  2007-12-02 16:41:29

how does that lead vocalist/guitarist have such a mature voice? he's so tiny!
YamikoKaharu  2007-10-02 16:38:13

OMG there's so good! I wish I could be like them!! THEY ARE SO TALENTED.. O.O I like the drummer xD xxx
kyritamber  2007-09-30 23:33:56


Dancing Baby jigs to Sanjaya and Shyamali Malakar audition

Duration: 06:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-25 22:57:56
User: idolunderground

American  Idol  Underground  Dancing  Baby  jigs  Sanjaya  and  Shyamali  Malakar  audition  

Description: The Dancing baby gets down to Sanjaya and Shyamali Malakar audition


ninie300  2008-02-07 14:50:04

his sister is much better
tanhart19  2008-01-23 00:50:06

sanjaya sang this song beautifully but his performances after weren't that great...and he was being too.....spontaneous with his appearance...but he's prettier than his sister
tanhart19  2008-01-23 00:44:39

she's good but her voice isnt really strong enuff for a compition. but da jazz thing is really her and she could be a musician still
DancingFool352  2008-01-21 19:05:46

They both are good, but I think Shyamali is a better singer in my opinion
toucheyang  2008-01-16 17:16:43

hes cooler. shes hotter.


Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-11 08:46:27
User: FociRs

4x4  Suzuki  SJ413  jeep  offroad  funny  airplane  boat  motor  sport  


My jeep at woodlands



Big Family Clan - Halo 3

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-19 11:47:33
User: AheadRex

BFC  Big  Family  Clan  BigFamilyClan  Halo3  Halo  Xbox  360  Xbox360  Italiano  Italia  giochi  Videogames  Games  





Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-17 14:13:41
User: ChristopherMast

christophermast  christopher  mast  turning  into  freakin  lardass  and  has  lose  weight  fat  fatty  fatso  chubby  belly  


...a side note: To get the THUD for this, I tried using my cajon (musical instrument) and BROKE IT! Bwaaaahahaaaaaaaa! :( Now I have to see if I can buy another face for it! I hope!


pixl8edkat  2007-07-29 15:44:50

i used to be 110 or so... went up to 115, ok that's fine... after going thru 2 years of college and chips/pop for breakfast i went up to 132!!! omg!! so i quit eating that crap for breakfast, drink less pop, and TRY not to eat fast food as much - now i'm back to 117. i'd also started to yoga-pilates blends and then went up to pure pilates... i'm bad and haven't kept up, but i'm still pudgy in the tummy, but i'm lighter!!
katalina2007  2007-05-25 04:06:17

Yes--fattness SUCKS!! :(
VelvetElvis01  2007-05-19 01:07:34

uggg, ditto .. i don't just buy the donuts, i make sure i get the holes as well
ChristopherMast  2007-05-18 12:39:50

Tell me about it!!!
ChristopherMast  2007-05-18 12:39:43

:) :)


Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-25 09:46:17
User: Schlechtwetterfront

Funker  Vogt  History  


Funker Vogt - History


PureNRG4321  2008-01-16 07:11:22

Funker Vogt owns. As does this video, so sad, so true. I'm happy you showed some of the realistic side, not didn't just glorify machinery and explosions. Kudos to you
masparatodo  2007-12-30 14:25:49

Great work, as STALINGRAD!
Dannyblackwhite  2007-12-29 17:42:58

great job of making this video.
Kosaisierp  2007-12-26 14:26:34

I like all films this autor. I give 5 stars
firstlight1986  2007-12-18 17:34:29

That's true, especially the last part!

paul simon #2

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 20:42:58
User: franknasso0529

paul  simon  folk  rock  


paul simon tv-show



february 14

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-14 11:34:30
User: rigome81

february  valentines  day  disneykid1  rigome81  


I guess its not as bad as he says it is (I HOPE)


rigome81  2008-02-15 12:07:12

Hey Thanks! Appreciate the comment ;)
ProjectSpinto  2008-02-15 00:52:39

Happy V-day!!! I like Joe too! Great Video!:-)
rigome81  2008-02-14 18:36:53

OMG!!! I cant believe you commented back, you totally just made my day!!! AHHHH!!!!! (RUNNING AROUNS IN CIRCLES) AAHHHHHHH!!!!!
disneykid1  2008-02-14 18:33:17

aww, happy vday! =)
rigome81  2008-02-14 18:32:39

oh quiet down!!! lol

Pitching Nalts: Duke Rightious' Sales Training Video

Duration: 05:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-20 23:51:00
User: DukeRightious

duke  rightious  dukerightious  sales  training  video  nalts  


Duke presents the first sales training video for the "YT Ad-Share Partnership Program Sales Force".


chcknpie04  2008-01-05 00:31:27

So freaking funny! Great job!
periot123  2007-11-01 10:50:44

nice person so great speaker
anac0nda  2007-06-22 22:01:39

hahah great act man :)
chudnovsky  2007-06-07 05:32:15

haha.. that's great duke.. man.. your not just an awesome composer... you comedy videos are amazing man!!! :) cheers, Alex
vidular  2007-05-24 22:41:19


Music Revolution - Music Video

Duration: 03:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-09 06:06:57
User: ItsFilthy

hip  hop  hiphop  music  revolution  freedom  from  babylon  


Here's another one of my older songs. I did this one about 3 years ago. It was on the second CD I made: Poetic Revolution. The intro is my man Bobby, and his queen Rita. Thanks for checking out my music. OneLuv! Respect!


ItsFilthy  2008-02-14 01:30:19

It makes me happy that it makes you happy. :o)
pennilesscripple  2008-02-14 01:12:48

oh man i LOVE this it makes me so damn happy i freaking LOVE this but mad at myself for missing it when you posted gotta work on my youtube hygiene...somehow this one slipped past me
ItsFilthy  2008-02-11 12:56:51

Good lookin out. I'm glad you're feeling it.
ItsFilthy  2008-02-11 12:55:00

I have it on my MySpace page...I'll hit you up with the address. You can download it there. Respect!
AdamHintz  2008-02-10 23:37:26

man, I need a audio download of this.