Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Re: Mormonism is invented

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-07 21:05:57

back atcha


slu2com  2008-02-29 03:58:02

"On the last statement I would have to disagree , at least the Bible you can find the majority of people and places mentioned.where as the BOM they have to do linguistic twisting with the name "Tabasco" to find bountiful " Here's a few to tack on: bibleplaces. com 100prophecies. org
jandrewclark  2008-02-24 21:09:19

we'll call it a draw. And yes, I read the Koran probably once a week.
digestezine  2008-02-24 16:52:37

have you read the Koran, it states that Jews were turned into monkeys, whats more politicaly correct ?, Jews into monkeys or white jews into Indians
jandrewclark  2008-02-24 16:44:45

haha, well, when you look at the spiritual and philosophical level of these scriptures the Koran looks like the pillar of truth in the world. If you look at textual criticism the BoM wins, if you look at physical evidence the Bible wins, but in the end they're all a little screwy.
digestezine  2008-02-24 16:32:11

On the last statement I would have to disagree , at least the Bible you can find the majority of people and places mentioned.where as the BOM they have to do linguistic twisting with the name "Tabasco" to find bountiful

Jaimy and Kenny D - Caught Me Running (tiesto remix)

Duration: 08:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-15 18:09:56

Song: Caught Me Running (tiesto remix)


djvenus1  2007-11-18 13:06:20

Thank you for putting this on, been waiting a long while for the day to come!

Webbie-Money Cars

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-03 16:42:34

Webbie Money Cars


coseyrakim  2008-04-01 16:40:13

Dis nigga tha king of tha south fuck T.I.
BabieSouth503  2008-02-28 23:18:33

this song is hard fo real. the south gon always hold it down....
0maRnwxm  2008-02-25 22:39:54

dis dddd tuneeeeee! money cars clothes hoes!
ttbaby206  2008-02-22 13:22:58

0maRnwxm  2008-02-18 20:18:54

lol this gu7yyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wind At My Back Theme

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-05 16:11:37

The Show That Came After Road To Avonlea


ThatGirl61  2008-03-02 10:44:26

Love the show.....wish it was still on...thanks for adding the video.
Kamonda  2007-09-10 11:08:50

Many thanks for this video!My favorite tv show's beautiful opening.:)


Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-13 09:10:18

Just my avatar for youtube.


Clocktower King Mount

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-20 01:42:58

Found By Me. But if it wasn't for _DC Revolution_ Then I wouldn't have looked for a way to do it, thanks buddy. And if you say "This isn't a king mount this is gay or something along the lines of that then get a life , and don't comment.


xTEHPWNER36x  2008-02-29 18:42:25

woah calm down buddy i was just telling you dude why are you so hostile to everyone?
SystemOfADown1995  2008-02-29 15:12:47

alright are you kie cP , you booted me in ur game probably that faget famous told you to anyway peace.
kie007890  2008-02-29 15:10:35

i allready got vid on this but my king mount higher look on madog12345 crab walk out of clocktower and i do this anyway i found kingmount on esclation not famous killa
SystemOfADown1995  2008-02-27 15:23:42

alright... i know,but F off.
xTEHPWNER36x  2008-02-26 18:05:19

you know you can do this without standby right? oh well haha...

Contra - Stage 1

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-06 14:47:58

I haven't posted a new video in a long time but hey, it's high time that we do something new. You see recently, Contra 4 was released for the Nintendo DS and everyone considers it to be a classic and a reminder of what shoot-em ups were all about. So, this got me inspired to do level runs of the three main Contra games; Contra, Super C and Contra III: The Alien Wars. Here we go with Stage 1 of the first game of the main series; Contra on the NES. Honors #44 - Top Favorites (Today) - Science & Technology


icefire48236  2008-01-29 18:15:21

I know a chaet on this that can get u 30 lives but i forgot it ill post if i remember
MegamanNG  2007-12-28 18:41:56

I'm surprised.
JmanRBS  2007-12-28 17:39:05

This game use to be hard to me, but I got so used to it that I can go at least 6 levels without getting hit.
dragonstormx  2007-12-25 20:14:24

The Empire Strikes back was #1 that list of hardest NES games, and a list of top 10 hardest SNES games, all three of the Super Star Wars games were on it, and Empire Strikes Back was #1. Contra 3 was on it, but I don't remember where. I had to split my comment in two because I couldn't fit all this in one comment.
dragonstormx  2007-12-25 20:12:41

The only other series I can think of that I know have a reputation for being hard is Ninja Gaiden (someone one gamefaqs put the Ninja Gaiden games as #9 on a list of top 10 hardest NES games, but said they'd would've been #1 if it weren't for their continue feature) and the old Star Wars games.

yiruma- river flows in you

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-30 00:57:47

i forgot how to play it..


RyuzakiJonas  2008-04-01 00:18:56

yep i helped you almost everyday~
sweet101love  2008-03-31 23:35:13

awesome-ness!! :D i remember when you helped me learn this song hahaha XD man i miss prime time
cerealkisssedmilk  2008-03-30 09:41:56

te he he *^^* i loves you lots more :D && i love your sexi piano playing XD
RyuzakiJonas  2008-03-30 01:21:54

i love you too <3
cerealkisssedmilk  2008-03-30 01:04:20

jonas oppa <3

Kagura- Sky Blue Pearl Voice

Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 10:31:47

this is Kagura my sky blue mermaid


renney100  2008-03-12 20:34:33

for those of u that know what inuyasha is, kagura is the name of narakus incarnation
HanonNYA  2008-02-27 03:01:52

laurathebig  2008-02-14 17:15:38

OMFGProduction  2008-02-13 20:06:51

Why does she have green skin..??? o.O


Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-12 16:02:33



pixiz06  2008-03-10 18:12:52

dj bruce- rock'n roll
UYiiP  2008-03-07 20:03:26

oh my god ! oh my god !oh my god !oh my god !
UYiiP  2008-03-07 20:03:24

oh my god ! oh my god !oh my god !oh my god !
Gkeymt  2008-02-28 14:52:28

tpe mpasser la zik stp?
macabre4fun  2008-02-25 08:47:09

oh my god ! nice one !