Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Re: Mormonism is invented

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-07 21:05:57

back atcha


slu2com  2008-02-29 03:58:02

"On the last statement I would have to disagree , at least the Bible you can find the majority of people and places mentioned.where as the BOM they have to do linguistic twisting with the name "Tabasco" to find bountiful " Here's a few to tack on: bibleplaces. com 100prophecies. org
jandrewclark  2008-02-24 21:09:19

we'll call it a draw. And yes, I read the Koran probably once a week.
digestezine  2008-02-24 16:52:37

have you read the Koran, it states that Jews were turned into monkeys, whats more politicaly correct ?, Jews into monkeys or white jews into Indians
jandrewclark  2008-02-24 16:44:45

haha, well, when you look at the spiritual and philosophical level of these scriptures the Koran looks like the pillar of truth in the world. If you look at textual criticism the BoM wins, if you look at physical evidence the Bible wins, but in the end they're all a little screwy.
digestezine  2008-02-24 16:32:11

On the last statement I would have to disagree , at least the Bible you can find the majority of people and places mentioned.where as the BOM they have to do linguistic twisting with the name "Tabasco" to find bountiful

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