Friday, August 24, 2007

Drugs public party in Brazil -= CONFIDENTIAL =-

Duration: 05:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-15 03:02:29
User: devaneizanardi
:::: Favorites

CAREFULL! EXTREME SCENES! Recorded from news in Brazil. Public party in São Paulo, by the drugs cartel called PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital - Capital's First Command). Objective: give free samples of all natures of drugs to the people. And also free barbecue, beer, candy for the childrens... With a lot of fireworks! 10 minutes of fireworks, it's longer then New Year party. Where's the police? Where's the citizens (good)? Where's the justice? This is Brazil in the Age of President Lula and all corrupt politics. This people give the vote for "Lula" for president, because the Drugs Dealer says! The police, the politics, the government, do not care about. The people are too much stupid to do something. Welcome to Brazil, the most stupid country of entire world. The people can't read or write, but ALMOST EVERYBODY smokes MARIJUANA! Inside schools, public parks, inside the Shopping Centers! The president and all politics are corrupts! The fuel costs almost like gold! The PETROBRÁS win 2 BILLIONS per month! We pay 20% of taxes in our food! We pay 40% of taxes in our cleanning products! HELP! HELP! The taxes gets 80% of the people's salary! People goes to work just to pay the buses, and the taxes! Help! Who will save us? I'm inside this Arkham Asilum! Help! Nice drugs public party! Free sample of everything: cocaina, heroina, crack, marijuana (maconha), etc etc etc Did you see in video, the people in line for using the cocaina? That's incredible! Dozens of people in line, IN STREETS, to use the free cocaina! EVERYTHING IN FACE OF CHILDRENS AND LITTLE BABIES! OH MY GOD! BRAZIL BEG INTERNATIONAL HELP TO REMOVE PRESIDENT LULA FROM POWER! HELP! WE BEG FOR HELP!!! .

cutiemac ::: Favorites
wow! Adult Disney actually they all look like there either going to die or kill
07-04-07 16:30:35
adrpac ::: Favorites
vc fala como se a culpa toda fosse do lula, eu nao votei no lula nao votei em ninguem mas o brasil ta merda faz tempo bem antes do lula pensar em ser presidente , e ele vai sair vai entrar outro presidente e o pais vai continuar na mesma merda
07-03-30 03:57:54
devaneizanardi ::: Favorites
"A situação HOJE é culpa de ONTEM" - isso é discurso do Luladrão - eu me lembro muito bem do ALTO nível que as escolas públicas tinham na minha época (anos 80); bem antes da era Lula brasileiro tinha fibra. E essa violência toda é cria do barbudo, que usa escola pública para ensinar putaria - com cartilha, camisinhas e tudo. Ladrão, bebum e futeboioleiro no governo do país - o fim do nosso país está decretado.
07-03-30 13:25:00
SLMCatch22 ::: Favorites
damn; all those drugs... suprised prez bush isn't raping your country. screw america's war on drugs...
07-03-27 16:37:28
mm4c ::: Favorites
their talking about this party promoted by this crime crew, who gives drugs to the people.... it's the crime trying to show to the people that they rule some parts of the city.
07-03-23 09:19:13
devaneizanardi ::: Favorites
yes, exatly! The Rio de Janeiro city already have 30% controlled by this paralell power, and this number are growing every minute. in 30% of the city (wich is very big) the cops or the ridiculous "Nacional Force" federal troups have no access. This is Brazil in Age of President Lula. Enjoy!
07-03-23 13:02:21
julyuki ::: Favorites
só cherilaines!
07-03-19 00:14:02
devaneizanardi ::: Favorites
what a hell this means? speak english, friend.
07-02-22 21:26:34
Kuerna ::: Favorites
the news said in this video: Organized crime promotes a party with drugs and weapons, and then they order to film them.
07-03-21 10:49:45
marcoslichi ::: Favorites
posta,, que bondi,,,
07-02-18 22:39:07

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